Logo for: Colchester Historical Society




Colchester 1775: The Revolution is Coming!  June 7th, 10am-4pm, on the Colchester Town Green



Third Grade Historic Walking Tour in May and June


Past Events

 Historian guided tour of the Colchester Burying Ground.

Ian Rose portraying Alexander Hamilton








Linda Stoddard welcomes 3rd grade students on a visit to the Nathaniel Foote House.








The Colchester History Museum welcoming visitors during Colchester's Holiday Homecoming.

John Koopman portraying General George Washington

Colchester Hayward Fire Company volunteers operating 1854 Hunneman pumper

Gary Walter leads students on tour of the historic Colchester Burying Ground

Wayne Seidel of the Colchester Continentals Fife and Drum Corps demonstrates drumming to children

Mary Tomasi welcomes students to the Nathaniel Foote House

Ellen Sharon gives a tour of the replica School for Colored Children

Gary Walter portrays the Reverend John Bulkeley during the Ghoulchester tour

Smithsonian Museum Associate Director of External Affairs, Beverly Morgan-Welch, gives keynote address at dedication of Colchester's replica School for Colored Children

Kathy Tanner engages students on a visit to the Bulkeley Family exhibit at the Colchester History Museum


George Papp gives a presentation on Privvy's at the Colchester History Museum Ice Cream and History event

Colchester Historical Society Board of Governors pose with George Baker enacting John Adams

 Guests enjoying ice cream at a Colchester Historical Society event

Carol Amell and Linda Stoddard create Christmas decorations for the Colchester Historical Society's Festival of Trees entry

Arthur Liverant gives a presentation illustrating the evolution of furniture styles through children's chairs

Bertha Glemboski gives students a history lesson inside the Nathaniel Foote House

Arthur Liverant and Kevin Tulimieri host a historic walking tour of Colchester





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